Senin, 31 Oktober 2016

Your reason choosing your study major at untan

The reason i choose a untan because in untan this is one of university college public my favorite that is in west Kalimantan. And very famous in the community because many alumni students successful after college at the university of tanjungpura this. This could be a student who quality, including alumni that have become a lecturer, businessmen and others.
Here in the university i want to studying properly and i also get to know my friends of each region , by sebeb that i can learn together and get the experience new while playing the level of college
Now i went to the faculty agriculture , if talk college at the farm according to most people were cool , beken stsu popular . People say that did not know the campus agriculture this . While agricultural sector is human need to two after breathing , people need to food , while the still think his stomach disitulah people still needs agriculture . Hence i choose college on tanjungpura especially the faculty agriculture . ~

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